Julia Cook
Teaching children how to manage their thoughts and words without interrupting.
Louis always interrupts! All of his thoughts are very important to him, and when he has something to say, his words rumble and grumble in his tummy, they wiggle and jiggle on his tongue and then they push on his teeth, right before he ERUPTS (or interrupts). His mouth is a volcano! But when others begin to interrupt Louis, he learns how to respectfully
...Meet Ricky! A cute little boy that just can't seem to figure out that stealing is wrong:
When I see something that I really want,
I think, "Hey, that could be mine!"
So I look both ways, reach out my hand,
and take it at just the right time.
If I ever get caught, I just pretend
that it wasn't me that took it.
A quick little lie is just what I need,
and lying helps me get through
...My stomach feels like it's tied up in a knot.
My knees lock up, and my face feels hot.
You know what I mean?
I'm Wilma Jean,
The Worry Machine.
Anxiety is a subjective sense of worry, apprehension, and/or fear. It is considered to be the number one health problem in America. Although quite common, anxiety disorders in children are often misdiagnosed and overlooked. Everyone feels fear, worry and apprehension
...Teaching children the concepts of personal space
Louis is back! And this time, he's learning all about personal space. When Louis, the world's self-proclaimed space expert, is invited to Personal Space Camp by the school principal, he soon learns that personal space really isn't about lunar landings, Saturn's rings, or space ice cream.
Written with style, wit, and rhythm, Personal Space Camp addresses the complex issue of respect
...Being a verb is hard!
Especially for Louis, who can't seem to control himself when he gets the urge to move at the wrong time and situation.
My knees start itching.
My toes start twitching.
My skin gets jumpy.
Others get grumpy.
Louis' mom comes to the rescue by teaching him techniques to help keep his inner itching, twitching and jumping to be a verb in check.
A positive resource for anyone dealing
...A Book that Helps Kids Learn the Difference Between Tattling and Telling
No one likes "Josh the Tattler" because he tattles way too much. He tattles on his classmates, his brother, and even his dog! But one night Josh wakes up to find that his tongue is very long, yellow, covered in bright purple spots, and Itchy, Itchy, Scratchy, Scratchy...
Will a bad case of Tattle Tongue teach him a lesson?
A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue gives
...13) Lying up a storm
It just isn't Noodle's fault that his mom forgot to remind him to turn in his library book. Or that he didn't finish his homework. Luckily he learns not to blame others, but instead to take responsibility for his actions.