Amazing animals (Creative Education)
1) Koalas
This revised edition surveys key aspects of koalas, describing these tree-climbing marsupials' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why koalas do not have tails.
2) Swans
3) Tigers
4) Crocodiles
This revised edition surveys key aspects of crocodiles, describing the swimming reptiles' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have rough, bumpy skin.
5) Lions
6) Parrots
7) Penguins
8) Snakes
9) Cheetahs
This revised edition surveys key aspects of cheetahs, describing the fast cats' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have tear lines.
10) Eagles
This revised edition surveys key aspects of eagles, describing the powerful raptors' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why humans respect eagles.
11) Gorillas
12) Killer whales
This revised edition surveys key aspects of killer whales, describing the carnivorous marine mammals' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains how these creatures came to be.
13) Leopards
14) Moose
This revised edition surveys key aspects of moose, describing the long-legged deer's appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have long, curved noses.
15) Sea lions
A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of sea lions, oceanic mammals related to seals. Also included is a story from folklore explaining why Japanese fishers respected sea lions. From humpbacked camels to drumming woodpeckers, and from fast-flying hummingbirds to slow-moving tortoises, the world of animals is wonderfully diverse. This popular and newly expanded series continues traveling the planet to study these and other
...16) Whales
A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of whales, the large ocean animals. Also included is a story from folklore explaining why New Zealanders traditionally rode whales. From humpbacked camels to drumming woodpeckers, and from fast-flying hummingbirds to slow-moving tortoises, the world of animals is wonderfully diverse. This popular and newly expanded series continues traveling the planet to study these and other fascinating
...17) Woodpeckers
A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of woodpeckers, nature's drummers. Also included is a story from folklore explaining how woodpeckers take good care of their young. From humpbacked camels to drumming woodpeckers, and from fast-flying hummingbirds to slow-moving tortoises, the world of animals is wonderfully diverse. This popular and newly expanded series continues traveling the planet to study these and other fascinating
...18) Vultures
19) Antelopes
20) Chameleons
21) Chimpanzees
22) Frogs
23) Hippopotamuses
A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of hippopotamuses, the large African mammals. Also included is a story from folklore explaining why hippos live mostly in water.
24) Octopuses
25) Skunks
26) Walruses
27) Bighorn sheep
28) Crabs
29) Falcons
30) Iguanas
31) Jellyfish
32) Raccoons
33) Storks
34) Dolphins
35) Giraffes
36) Monkeys
This revised edition surveys key aspects of monkeys, describing the playful primates' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures look almost like people.
37) Polar bears
This revised edition surveys key aspects of polar bears, describing the swimming Arctic mammals' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have short tails.
38) Wolves
39) Alligators
This revised edition surveys key aspects of alligators, describing the scaly reptiles' appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures dislike dogs.